المؤتمر السعودي الثالث
لجراحة التجميل واعادة الترميم والتجديد

3rd Saudi Plastic Regenerative, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Conference

This Annual International Meeting Continues to be the Updates Platform in the field of Plastic Regenerative, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. This Conference get its Importance Through a Massive Collaboration of Experts from Saudi Arabia, Gulf Region, Arabian Region, Middle East, Europe and the world.


 This Annual International Meeting Continues to be the Updates Platform

About The Conference

This Annual International Meeting Continues to be the Updates Platform in the field of Plastic Regenerative, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. This Conference get its Importance Through a Massive Collaboration of Experts from Saudi Arabia, Gulf Region, Arabian Region, Middle East, Europe and the world.

Conference Leadership & Experts


Dr. Ziyad I. Alharbi

Fakeeh Care Medical Group
Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences
Jeddah – Saudi Arabia

 This Annual International Meeting Continues to be the Updates Platform in
the field of Plastic Regenerative, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. This
Conference get its Importance Through a Massive Collaboration of Experts
from Saudi Arabia, gulf region, Arabian Region, Middle East and the World


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing

Dr. Faris Almarzouqi

Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammed Alharbi

Saudi Arabia

Dr. Sherif Khamis

Saudi Arabia

Dr. Khalid Alkhatib

Saudi Arabia

Dr. Anas Fathuldeen

Saudi Arabia

Dr. Sarah Qari

Workshop Assistant

Dr. Khalid Alkhatib

Saudi Arabia

Dr. Anas Fathuldeen

Saudi Arabia

Dr. Sarah Qari

Workshop Assistant

Head of the committee

Dr. Aeshah Mandili

Workshop Assistant

Dr. Sarah Qari

Workshop Assistant

Mrs. Sheila Bacierto

Workshop Assistant

Dr Fatema Alsubhi

Head of Scientific Committee

Dr. Mohammed Alharbi

Saudi Arabia

Dr.Abdullah Kattan

Head of Research Committee

Dr. Aeshah Mandili

Workshop Assistant

Dr. Sarah Qari

Workshop Assistant

Mrs. Sheila Bacierto

Workshop Assistant

Our Activity

Patient Teaching and Community Educatio


Education and Training

Roadside to Bedside Resuscitation: State of the Art

Roadside to Bedside Resuscitation: State of the Art

Roadside to Bedside Resuscitation: State of the Art


– Facial Plastic Regenerative and Aesthetic Surgery.
– Facial Plastic Restorative and Reconstructive Surgery
– Breast Reconstructive Surgery
– Body Contourting Surgery
– Hand and Upper Limb Reconstruction
– Lower limb and reconstructive Microsurgery
– Burn and Wound Care. And Scar Management
– Liposuction, Lipofilling Technique and Fat Grafting Updates

Our Expert Speakers

 This Annual International Meeting Continues to be the Updates Platform in
the field of Plastic Regenerative, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. This
Conference get its Importance Through a Massive Collaboration of Experts
from Saudi Arabia, gulf region, Arabian Region, Middle East and the World

Prof. Norbert Pallua


Dr. Andrzej Piatkowski


Prof. Hans-Oliver Rennekamp


Dr. Amin Kalaaji


Prof. Rica Tanaka


Dr. Ruth Graf


Dr. Taymour Al Balushi


Dr. A. Shaheed Fadhul


Dr. Sabreen Alzamil


Dr. Marwan Alzarouni


Dr. Yahya Zakaria


Dr. Hassan Aziz


Photo Gallery from first conference

Our Parteners